This practical guide provides detailed information about all the possibilities of Microsoft® PowerPoint. It is designed for anyone interested in learning to use this software. It was written for Powerpoint 2019, but also covers the new features and aspects of the version supplied with Office 365.
After describing the new environment, the different views, and the ways to manage documents (opening and saving presentations and templates, sharing and storing with OneDrive, managing photo...
Niveau Initié à Confirmé
Nombre de pages 312 pages
Parution janvier 2020
Niveau Initié à Confirmé
Parution janvier 2020
This practical guide provides detailed information about all the possibilities of Microsoft® PowerPoint. It is designed for anyone interested in learning to use this software. It was written for Powerpoint 2019, but also covers the new features and aspects of the version supplied with Office 365.
After describing the new environment, the different views, and the ways to manage documents (opening and saving presentations and templates, sharing and storing with OneDrive, managing photo albums, printing, etc.), you will learn to create and edit the various elements of presentations: slides, masters, themes, backgrounds, sections, and more.
At that point, you will be able to create the contents of your slides by adding text, managing the outline and applying text formats. You will also find out how to create, edit and format all kinds of objects: shapes, tables, pictures, sounds, diagrams, and charts. You will also learn how to use video editing features (adding, cropping, applying artistic effects, clipping the beginning or end of videos) and how to edit pictures (artistic effects, removing backgrounds, reflections, corrections and colours, compression, etc.).
You will then be ready to run your first slide show and include animation effects, clickable images representing one or more slides (summary zoom, slide zoom, and section zoom), notes, and more. You will learn how to set the timing of slides, add traditions (including the popular Morph effect), save the slideshow as a video file in order to reuse the animation in other presentations, or share it with your contacts via DailyMotion or Youtube.
The last section is devoted to advanced functions, such as group work (sharing and co-editing a presentation), customising the ribbon, managing user accounts, and linking with other Office applications.
Myriam GRIS
Formatrice sur les logiciels bureautiques et métier depuis près de 20 ans, Myriam GRIS est auteur de nombreux livres aux Editions ENI sur les logiciels des suites bureautiques et Microsoft® Office. Son expérience professionnelle auprès d’un public d’entreprises et de particuliers apporte à tous ses ouvrages une approche pédagogique et didactique qui les rend facilement accessibles à tous.